
We love music

We love to sing. We love to let our voices and instruments resound with passion for God. Sing along with us and pray with us to the living God.

“The touch between God and the soul is music”
(Bettina von Arnim)

The worship event takes place once a month.
The dates will be announced.

Come and sing with all passion,
like Patrick did it at “The Voice of Germany”.

Patrick Jakucs: How He Loves

… Sitting at the piano, he sings “How He Loves” by Anthony Evans.

“It was so awesome and cool, that I was allowed to sing the song “How He Loves” because like this I could sing about how God really is: God is love and He loves us a lot. That was my intention. I believe that and I hope, that God can use this song in some way to touch the people’s hearts. I said to myself, if through the song at the Blind Auditions only one single person is touched or spoken to by God, then the whole thing was worth it.” (Patrick Jakucs

In the Old as well as in the New Testament music plays an important role in worshiping God. In the Old Testament, Singers and Musicians who were supposed to lead the people into joyful adoration, were chosen carefully.

We live in a world that is filled with music. In our surroundings, rhythm and movements are omnipresent. The chirping of the birds sounds beautiful. God loves music – and we do as well. We use music to express our feelings towards God. All over again we are encouraged in the Psalms to sing and play music for the Lord. It is a natural reaction when we realize the grace and goodness he encounters us with.

Our worship music helps us to express the joy and love that we experience through the Lord.
“For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory. Let his faithful people rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds.“ (Psalm 149,4-5, NIV)